Licensing a Database Instance

Each database instance requires a license, just like any other Geo SCADA Expert database server. When you have purchased a license for a database instance, you will need to use the Server Icon to associate the license with the instance:

  1. Run the Server Icon for a Database Instance.
  2. Right-click on the server icon and choose the License Details option.
    The License Details <Database Instance Name> window is displayed.
  3. Use the Change button to browse to the License for the database instance.
  4. Select the Close button.

The license settings are detected by the database instance automatically (as long as the database instance can locate the license file or detect the dongle in a parallel port or USB port).

Further Information

License Details: see Understand the License Details Window on a Geo SCADA Expert Server in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Server Administration.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021